Hello there!
On this day (7th January 2013) "HANGLOOSE.CO" is officialy established, we are happy knowing this day would come. Introduce us, I'm Satrio Iman (@satrioiman) and My friend Haryo Amiluhur (@HaaryoA), At first we were just talking about future-jobs, that we want to be in a cars-linked company.
And then Haryo came up with the idea "Why don't we make ourselves a web or blog or something?" and then I realized "Oh yea you are right!". So we decided to make a blog that contains our photos of cars and stuff we like!
I know we're just a freshman, so we're looking forward for your support in this blog! We're so happy finally making this, I hope everybody and every car enthusiast will like our blog! Thanks, Hangloose! \m_
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